Working From Home? Time to Test Drive Natural Deodorants NOW
There are some of us that employ a cleaning ritual that boils down to tits, slits and pits.
I'll take this one step further and reiterate that we must make sure that even beyond the shower, the products we are putting in these places are of utmost importance, made of ingredients that are pronounceable and deemed "safe" by the EWG.
I've tried them ALL. Crystals, creams, sprays and roll-ons.
I have test drove a DOZEN, nay, DOZENS of natural deodorants over the years and I have very strong opinions on all of them.
And since I am an anti-influencer, the following opinions are from products I purchased and wore extensively. No time for affiliate links when there are pits to protect.
I hate to use this term but here are some of the brands that have just NOT worked for me.
Cute scent profiles, didn't keep the stink at bay. I don't even think I used the full stick before giving up.
I love that you can find this deodorant everywhere and some of the scents sound SO PROMISING but man oh man, every time I gave them another chance they just let me down hard.
So this might be sacrilege because they do make my favorite toothpaste and they are from Maine, but again, under performers in the pit department.
As much as I love this brand and wanted to smell like wild roses, I ended up just smelling like chicken soup.
And now for the one's I continue to buy. The ones that keep me stink-free even in the summertime.
I am currently using the Gardenia scent and by God, this deodorant does it. I had my very first outdoor fitness class this past week and I wasn't even ashamed to hug someone I ran into after it. That's how good this works. You won't be disappointed. I can't find one that is better.
Dear GOD this is the worst website I've ever seen, but you can snag the Blossom one at most Whole Foods and it works damn good. Not as perfectly as Kopari, but a solid second place in my book.
I will premise this by saying the only deodorant that worked well for me from them was their Sport Luxe stick. The others underperformed but this was a seriously good contender.
Okay! What have I missed? Anything that deserves a spot on the "BEST OF" list?
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